Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Your House As A Painting: What Art Can Teach You About Decorating Your Home


One of the most important, most fundamental - and most overlooked - aspects of painting is an appreciation of the frame. This does not refer to the wooden strips that a picture is "framed" in, in order to hang it up; but, rather, it refers to the relationship between the body of the painting and the area beyond its edges. Every artist makes the conscious decision to end his or her painting somewhere, to mark off a small area in which to create his or his art, to limit the scope of the painting and separate it from the rest of the world.

In a home, think of each room as a distinct painting, and the boundaries of each room as its frame. When decorating, keep these frames in mind, and decorate within - as opposed to through - them. In other words, keep the elements of one room's dcor clearly within that room. You may establish a theme for the entire house, or for one floor, or for one multi-room space, but do not blend rooms into each other. Keep each room clearly defined; keep each painting inside its frame. Make it clear where the kitchen ends, and where the living room begins.

Golden Thirds

One of the first rules (or, less strictly, guiding principles) of artistic composition is the rule of golden thirds: the simple concept that a composition's main focus should be located somewhere on a set of imaginary lines that criss-cross a canvas at the horizontal and vertical intervals of one-third and two-thirds.

In order to apply this concept to home decorating, visualize all the planes (floor, walls, ceiling) of a room, and use your imagination to "draw" the golden thirds across them. Then, try to concentrate your decorations along these lines. For example, establish a line one-third of the way down your living room wall, and use it as guide as to how high to hang a set of paintings or other wall hangings; or, "draw" a line two-thirds of the way across your kitchen floor and place your kitchen table overtop of it. Usually, you'll want to use one or two big elements, such as furniture, in combination with golden thirds so as to utilize the lines without making them obvious.

In a more general way, the rule of golden thirds leads away from static, unimaginative, and rigid symmetry by forcing the artist - or decorator - away from the very middle part of the composition.


After the frame is set, and the composition and concept complete, a painter decides on a palette with which to colour his or her painting. A good palette is usually minimal, featuring perhaps three colours that are then used and mixed to create an artwork with a dominant colour scheme, and therefore a strong character.

In home decoration, a palette can take the form of at least three things: colors, just as in a painting; specific objects, like a collection of spoons or a set of rugs; or themes or motifs, such as seashells for the bathroom or arches for a hallway. The key to using any one of these types of palettes is to pick elements that both fit a room by themselves and that provide ample opportunities for fruitful combinations. And, also keep in mind that because each room is "taken in" at once, it is more important to make sure that the palette in each room is solid than it is to make sure that, say, the rug in the living room matches the one in your bedroom.


Although home decoration is a different art than painting, both are, indeed, still arts. Therefore, the methods, techniques and theories that have been perfected throughout history in painting can be quite easily adapted to fit decorating. As American music composer Lukas Foss said: "Most people think an artist tries to be original, but originality is the last thing that develops in the artist." So, even when no one notices that your beautiful new dining room is based on "a van Gogh", they won't miss that it's still beautiful - and that's all that matters.

Oh, and remember to have fun, be creative, and feel free to break some rules after you learn them!

Karen Rhodes is a lifelong resident of the Chattanooga area and is a successful REALTOR. Check out for more information on Chattanooga and it's surrounding areas.Arlena Blog23163
Bellanca Blog63466

Online Games - Touching Horizons With Teeming Popularity

Creative signatures of the human brain, depicting horizons of creativity and imagination, online flash and shockwave games are catching up for their entertainment and educational value. The contributions of the multi-billion-dollar industry is commanding attention, respect and interest from all age groups, be it a toddler or an eighty year old.

Quenching your thirst for excitement and action, the online games come in an overall enchanting package. The superior multimedia support to the bright, colorful and vibrant graphics, in tempting combination with a whole spectrum of brilliant game ideas, renders the online games popular and far-reaching.

In a further deadly combination, the games are available free of cost that do not need to be subscribed to for an instant play on site or for a download, to suit the preferences and requirements of the game enthusiasts. The economical nature of these online games is further gratified by their group presence and availability. These games can be found in a one-stop shop manner on almost all games sites that may be dedicated online games sites like or games offered as a clever diversification of the website to attract web traffic, like Yahoo games.

In order to keep up with the ever-elevating expectations and thirst for more excitement and fun from a new game, the industry witnesses use of the state-of-the-art technologies in development of online games. The industry ensures delivery of mesmerizing three-dimensional true to life graphics coupled with equally realistic multimedia support, to complement a sound logic and an overwhelming game plan.

The popularity of the free online flash and shockwave games stands bolstered up by natural instincts and inclinations of human nature. As human mind is naturally attracted to a taste of excitement, challenge, achievement and an opportunity to prove oneself better, the flash and shockwave games capture the fantasy of young and old alike as a superior time pass.

Furthermore, the orthodox blemishes as regards the harmful and evil nature of these games are fading steadily and incessantly as the studies reveal their better sides to the corporate world. It is increasingly being accepted in the employment arena that proficiency in computer games is an evidence of a sharper and quicker mind. So much so that companies are actually incorporating computer games as a part of employment strategy leading to full-time absorption of a candidate into the company.

The age-old beliefs as regards the detrimental effects of computer games on health are also being defied with science revealing computer games as an exercise for eyes and the brain. Now computer games are being looked at more than means of entertainment, as studies portray online computer games as a means to nurture logical thinking faculties of human brain, sharpen problem-solving skills, increase brain function, improve hand-eye coordination and enhance social skills.

Thus, these online games allow players to explore and refine certain skills and traits of ones personality, in terms of reflexes, logical thinking, ability to work hard, patience and resolve. The tempting online games are coupled with its delivery of a fancy world so real and engrossing, presenting an irresistible challenge for the brain.

The free online flash and shockwave games also present themselves as a boon for parents looking out for a suitable time pass for their child, such that he/ she spends time keenly sitting at one place, without requiring someone to baby-sit and even learning in the process.

At last but not the least, the virtual competition offered by the free online flash and shockwave games is an unforgettable experience. Playing in anonymity with hundreds and even thousands of players simultaneously logged in worldwide, you find the taste of a win the sweetest.

Jonathan White, owner of & SimplySearch4It UK Play Free Online Internet GamesAllx Blog36175
Barbara Anne Blog45346

Editing and Organize Your Photos With New Easy To Use Google's Software: Picasa

The tremendous increase of using Digital Photography in the past few years gave birth to a growing need for good, easy to use and free picture editing and organization software.

There are not too many good and satisfying softwares for ordinary people like you and me that just want to download photos from our new digital camera which were taken on our last vacation. We don't need the complicated and deadly frustrating features that require half a year course to understand. Most of the softwares on the market today have been tailored for the use of photography professionals, graphic designer artists and image processing technicians. These softwares are very very expensive and hard to use.

All we need is an easy way to organize, edit and share our pictures. This is when Google decided to develop software just for our needs. And so they came up with 'Picasa'.

Picasa is surprisingly intuitive and easy to use, has very comfortable interface and relaxing graphics. The moment you enter Picasa, it automatically locates all your pictures, you will be surprised of how many pictures Picasa found that you didn't even know they exist. You can edit, share, organize in albums and print your pictures. Let's find out about the new features Picasa presents:

-Editing: Optimize your digital pictures with Picasa: remove red-eyes, improve color saturation, sharpening and much more with just few simple clicks.

-Organize: With Picasa you can instantly locate and organize all pictures on your PC and create your own photo albums

-Share: Send your photos to your Friends and Family right from Picasa.

-Publish your pictures on your blog and creating your own picture website was never easier like with Picasa.

-Creating beautiful slide shows is simple and intuitive

Print your favorite photos at home or order professional high quality Photo books , collages or movies directly from Picasa.

In addition to the main features above Picasa also gives you the possibility to burn Gift CDs with Pictures inside to add label for every picture and it is able to perform a Ranking within all available images in order to choose the best ones.

As you can see Picasa offer great variety of options and features while keeping it simple as possible for the common amateur photographer like me.

With the free distribution of this excellent software product, Google has set a heavy milestone in the fast growing Digital Imaging business. No doubt that Picasa is the best choice now days:

You can visit Picasa Download center at and Download the software for free.

Best regards and fun photo organizing.

Maxim Shramko, is a well known internet entrepreneur among other webmaster's experties he writes special reviews on new highly important products. http://www.max-experts.comAme Blog66611
Ardene Blog57268

Coastal Vacations: Looking Beyond The Hype

If youve spent any time on the Internet, you have undoubtedly heard about Coastal Vacations. Entering Coastal Vacations into any search engine can easily give you millions of results. There is definitely a lot of information about Coastal Vacations. You will come across resource information and probably a significant number of websites of distributors who rave Coastal Vacations as the greatest opportunity around. With all the information that is available about Coastal Vacations, you may wonder what it is really true about the program.

More than Just a Name

One reason that Coastal Vacations is the one of the most notable vacation clubs is because it has a history. There are numerous travel clubs available, but somehow the Coastal Vacations has maintained a top ranking among them all. How does it do it? You dont stay in business for 25 years unless youre doing something right, especially during the recent economic stress that has experienced everywhere. Traveling is a favorite past time of people everywhere. In the past, traveling to exclusive locations was virtually considered a form of leisure that only the affluent was privileged to enjoy. That was until travel clubs made traveling affordable for everyone. Since its inception, the Coastal Vacations program has continued to offer discount travel packages. Because it has remained the same, the Coastal Vacations name maintains a presence in the discount travel business.

A Good Business Idea

Many people find the idea of working for someone else as the only way to live. Find a decent job with good benefits, work for 40 years, and then retire. This is how many people plan out their lives. There is nothing wrong with the idea, but when you compare it to the financial and personal freedom associated with owning your own business, it almost seems ridiculous. Layoff has become an evil word that way too many people have had the misfortune to experience. When you are in business for yourself, you control your destiny. The measure of your success with Coastal Vacations is virtually based on the effort you put forth. It is workable as a part-time or full-time business opportunity. Of course, it takes hard work, but in the long run its up to you.

Home-based business ideas abound. Becoming an entrepreneur within the Coastal Vacations program is considerably different than most ventures. With Coastal Vacations, you are provided the tools to help you become successful. Training and support are the basics of selling travel products with Coastal Vacations. You will be hard pressed to find a business venture that provides free training and support.

No Pushy Sales Tactics

The Coastal Vacations program is direct sales. You make money by selling discount vacation packages to people. When many people think of selling, they typically conjure up images of a pushy used car salesman. The good news about Coastal Vacations is that it virtually sells itself. Who isnt interested in fantastic vacation getaways at rock-bottom prices? In addition to great trips, the program gives people a choice. People like having choices. Sometimes the differences in the choices are so significant that you feel you are losing if you dont pick one over the other. This problem does not exist with Coastal Vacations. There are three different packages from which to choose. Each package is complete with Directors Releases and unheard of travel opportunities.

Coastal Vacations is a great idea that has grown into a wonderful success story for people all over the world. With so many people enjoying success, there couldnt possibly be any room for hype.

Sara Nightingale is a Level 3 Coastal Director who seeks to help people get a fair chance at success when starting a home based business. Blog76209
Ara Blog93279

Restructure Your Debts with Personal Debt Consolidation Loan

Today debts are the common problem among the people, which is growing at a faster rate day by day. Everyone is seeking the ways to overcome the problem of debts. Almost everyday we see the advertisement which offers different packages and schemes that promises to eliminate debts of a person.

One of such promise is also made by debt consolidation loan. But, have you ever thought of the funda behind this. The fact is that the company promising to consolidate your debts, merges all your debts, and let you pay a single monthly installment rather than paying number of bills. In other words, the person will deal with single lender rather than dealing with number of creditors.

One aspect of personal debt consolidation loan is the single monthly payment and another aspect is lower monthly payment. The second aspect can better illustrate through an example. In personal debt consolidation loan, the lender negotiates with the creditors and appeals them to reduce the amount of debt payment. Remember, that the principal amount of debt is not reduced, the basic reduction lies in the interest rate or the other cost such as penalties on early repayments (if any)etc.

There are various other ways to eliminate personal debts such as, through mortgage, remortgage, bankruptcy, individual voluntary agreement etc. But, the bankruptcy and IVAs are not recommended as they are considered as bad credit for a person. On the other hand consolidating debts through a loan or mortgage, add up to the credit score of a person if timely repayments are made. And good credit score always help the person to avail loan in future.

Most of the people have misconception that once they get relieve from the burden of debts they will never get in to it again. But, this is absolutely wrong. Generally, the people are burdened with debts again just of the unplanned expenses. So, in order to avoid such situation the person should plan his budget and make minimum use of credit cards for making payments.

Before entering in the agreement with lender, one must be thorough with each and every aspect of the loan. Even a single unfavorable clause in the agreement can affect the borrower credit status. He must understand each cost involve in the loan. And, the person must prefer a loan deal which is cheaper till the last repayment.

Shopping around is the best way to ensure the best deal. And before availing, it is also recommended to consult with the credit advisor. He will evaluate credit situation and he will suggest you the mode which has a perfect match with your needs.

After having herself gone through the ordeal of loan borrowing, Natasha Anderson understands the need for good quality loan advice. Her articles endeavor to provide you the wise counsel in the most elementary way for the benefit of the readers. She works for the UK Debt Consolidations. To find personal debt consolidation loans, business debt management, loans, unsecured debt consolidation loans, secured loans that best suits your needs visit Blog44555
Afton Blog7371

How To Add Interest To Your Home With Oriental Home Decor

The decor that is used to decorate an oriental style home is very ornate and colorful. Traditions from the Orient are displayed throughout these pieces. The pieces themselves can be found on walls in the form of artwork, displayed as statues or other show pieces, or the designs could be shown through the very furniture that is placed throughout the home.

Panel pieces in threes are very popular for displaying artwork in the oriental tradition. The artwork itself varies by what is displayed on the panels, but it is typically very traditional and colorful. There is a lot of gold, red, and black used as colors in this artwork. Large, wall-sized fans are also popular for decorating in the oriental tradition. Again, the artwork displayed will vary, but the colors will be similar to those used in panel paintings. The displays may include traditional oriental women complete with hair pulled back and wearing traditional clothing, likewise for Oriental males. They may also display the mythological creature so often seen in oriental design, the dragon, often breathing fire from its mouth.

Colors of walls in an oriental decorated home are most typically white. The red, gold, and black are most often reserved for the complimentary pieces. Clean lines are important to the Oriental home, so the walls will enhance those clean lines by having been painted either white or very light beige. Those walls will be lined on the bottom by wood grained shoe moulding and trim around doorways in the home. This further adds to those clean lines displayed throughout the home.

Knickknacks will be sparse. They will be well chosen after much contemplation. Not all Oriental pieces are red, black, and gold. Some use blues, blacks, and yellows too, but the first are the most typical. These traditional colors will be found in a lot of the knickknacks that will be displayed throughout the home. There will be only a few chosen and they will compliment one another. Plants will also be sparse. An orchid is a popular choice for Oriental decorating, but many green leafy plants will be appropriate too. Orchids can be hard to care for, so some may choose a simply ivy instead.

Artwork, other than fans and panels, will compliment the color choices of the knickknacks displayed. They will compliment the gold in a statue or the red sprinkled throughout the serving dish. There will never be too much color in the artwork, it should be simple, just like everything else discussed here.

Furnishings will be lower than typical to enhance the Zen tradition originated in the Orient. Some furnishing may not have legs at all, they may be nothing much more than cushions on the floor. Coffee tables and end tables will also be placed lower than their American counterparts. Again, this is to compliment the furnishings that are set lower. Often the legs of the furniture and coffee and end tables turn in. This shape goes along with the Oriental tradition.

An Oriental home is a clean one that displays its cleanliness through the undisturbed lines in the home. There will never be clutter in this style home. All pieces will have been chosen with much effort. The homes become pieces of artwork themselves and bring peace and serenity to those that are living among them.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can learn how to have great decor in your home and get more ideas for decorating with Oriental home decor.Bobbee Blog54375
Barry Blog65485

Home Security - Preventive Measures Against Burglaries

Theft of valuables from home due to carelessness is very common. Never take home security for granted. If you make an effort to be secure, you will be protecting your family and your valuables much better.

Tips To Prevent Burglaries

Securing doors and windows is extremely important. Many burglaries occur as vandals had easy access to the garage door where they worked unnoticed to gain entry into the house. Never leave your house, even for just a few minutes, without locking all doors and windows. Use dead bolts to improve home security. A pet entrance is not advisable. Have wide angled viewer installed in the main door to check who is at the door.

Do not leave an extra pair of keys hidden outside your house; instead, leave them with a neighbor or friend.

Make sure all doors and windows, which are not within your view, are locked when you are at home.

Fuse boxes and power sources have to be secured, to make it impossible for criminals to tamper with them.

Have a good burglar alarm installed.

Make sure you periodically check all home security systems and have them serviced regularly.

Keep your garden trimmed ensuring an unobstructed view of your house from the road or your neighbors.

If you have to deal with windows accessible from the fire escape be sure to check that the windows are hardy, tamper proof, and secure.

Never leave a message in your answering machine, indicating you are away.

Do not have predictable habits change your routine often.

Get your self a sturdy safe to lock up all valuables and important documents.

Keep your home insurance up to date.

Change all locks if you just moved into the house.

Get a good private home security monitoring system to enhance home security.

Do not leave ladders and other tools lying that can be used by vandals to gain entry into your home.

Join a neighborhood watch program.

Trim and maintain your garden, trees should not be used by criminals to gain entry into the upper floors of your home. Be sure that the branches are cut securing your home.

In the event you lose a key, change the tumblers of all locks.

It will be a great deterrent if you had a guard dog.

Make sure your house number is lit and clearly visible to facilitate people who need to get to your home in hurry find your home easily.

Secure skylights and roof taking precaution to prevent unauthorized entry through them.

If the above-mentioned basic home security measures are carefully followed, securing your home and sleeping peacefully will not be an issue any longer.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Home Security and runs a highly popular and comprehensive Home Security web site. For more articles and resources on Home Security related topics, Home Security Equipment and Systems visit his site at:Beth Blog23055
Adria Blog81934

Some Helpful Tips For Remortgaging Your Home Loan

Preparing to remortgage your home loan

Nearly half of all mortgage applications are for remortgages. If you are considering remortgaging your home loan, here are some things you can do to get ready:

1. Check the current interest rates.

Traditional wisdom says you should remortgage your home if the interest rate drops at least two percentage points lower than your current interest rate.

However, if the current interest rate is only 1% or 1.5% less than your current interest rate, you can still save money over the term of your mortgage. You want your interest rate to go down by at least 5/8%, or you won't save enough money to be worth the cost of remortgaging.

2. Consider how long you plan to stay in your home.

The interest rate is not the only factor you should consider when deciding whether go for a remortgage.

Keep in mind how long you plan to stay in your home. You need to stay put long enough to recover the costs of remortgaging.

If your new interest rate is 1.5% less than your current interest rate, you generally need to stay in your home more than three years to make the remortgage worth the fees.

3. Check your credit rating.

Check your credit rating before you filling out any remortgage applications. If there are any problems with your credit, you can take a little time to fix them before proceeding. This is especially true if there are out-of-date or incorrect entries on your credit report.

It's a bit of a chore to send off the letters and keep up the correspondence, but if someone were to say they'd give you a grand to do it (i.e. the amount you might save with a better deal), you'd do it!

4. Check the value of your home.

You will need to have your home appraised. But for now, just check the selling price of similar homes in your area. Has the value of your home gone up or down since you bought it?

5. Decide if you want to use the equity in your home to get cash out.

If the value of your home has gone up, you can remortgage for a higher amount than what you owe, and get cash out for school, vacation, home improvements, or to start a new business.

For myself, I'd only use such money to set up something that would make money, or to fund a child's education; it's much better for your peace of mind to have low monthly outgoings than a fancy holiday or car.

6. Make sure you have cash to cover the refinancing costs.

You will have the same fees and expenses you did when you first purchased your home, including a home appraisal, closing costs, and other fees and points. Further, while you may be able to remortgage with no points or closing costs, your interest rate could be higher. And there is no reason to remortgage if you are going to end up with a higher interest rate!

7. Talk to lenders.

You should talk to several lenders to see what the current interest rates are and how much money you will need. Then figure out what your new payment would be if you remortgaged and how long it would take to recover the costs.

8. Adjust your mortgage term.

When you remortgage, you can take the opportunity to change your mortgage term. Maybe you originally took out a 15-year mortgage, but want to remortgage to a longer loan term so you can have more cash each month. Or (much better) maybe you want to reduce your mortgage term from 30 years to 15 or even 10, and get your mortgage paid off more quickly. Wouldn't that be nice?

T. O' Donnell is a licenced credit broker based in London, UK.Augusta Blog7775
Alice Blog54075

Changing Trends in Patio Furniture

Furniture trends today are global, with influences from all around the world. Furniture today has an international language, from Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa, and America. The international trends express sophistication to tropical luxury. This extensive influence brings with it both flexibility and simplicity resulting in the modern and contemporary designs. Contemporary is now a commonly used word to convey simplicity of form. The new contemporary furniture designs are modern, minimal, smooth lines, uncluttered, un-fussy, light, and clean.

For patio or garden there are plenty of materials used but teak has always been related with patio furniture because of its unique qualities. Most of the garden or park furniture found in England is made of teak. Teak furniture has been the preferred choice as garden furniture since decades because of the unique characteristics of the teak wood. Teak garden furniture blends the style and design of your patio or garden with the practical durability and resistance to the harsh weather conditions and nicely constructed teak furniture lasts for generations. The designs offered by teak furniture manufacturers were mostly English designs most often called classical designs. These classic designs somehow do not fit in modern contemporary homes. More and more people were getting bored with the teak patio furniture mostly because of its designs. This made teak furniture makers to follow the new demand and adjust itself to the changing trends in the market place.

The good news for teak furniture manufacturers was that there are no hard and fast rules that must be adhered to when it comes to the latest furniture styles. Modern teak furniture should have the ultimate expression of form and function. This made teak furniture makers to manufacture products, which are simple in form yet functional. These new products of teak furniture were welcomed warmly by almost all teak lovers who wanted to have modern designs, which fits with their other home furniture. This gave rise to huge demand for modern contemporary patio furniture.

The most recent trend is to use a diverse blend of designs, with a strong international influence of ideas and options sourced from all over the globe. One of these trends is products made of stainless steel and teak. Stainless steel like teakwood is a long-term investment, as it takes less upkeep and lasts longer. It is fairly lightweight for the amount of strength it provides and is very easy to clean. It is available in a number of shades and styles, making it an aesthetically pleasing option. And, because it is corrosion and rust resistant, it has a much longer lifespan. In addition, stainless steel is 100% recyclable. 50% of new stainless steel is made from recycled stainless steel. This makes it a very environmentally friendly material. It can also be resold as scrap metal, adding that benefit to the investment.

Other outdoor materials like wrought iron, aluminum, synthetic wicker, sling fabrics, marble and stone are also blended with teak. These products have given ultra contemporary look to the teak patio furniture. However the sleek, simple and contemporary designs out of solid teak are still preferred by lot of teak lovers.

It is very important to study carefully before purchasing any of these products because of the difference in materials used. There are hundreds of synthetic wicker producers but only few reliable, proven brands. The stainless steel should be of specific grade for outdoor use and always look for Grade 304 or 316. The anodized or power coated aluminum is the right option for outdoor and one should pay close attention to materials used in any of these products.

Akhter Rasool Ahanger operates a teak furniture business. For more info please visit his website at http://www.shaantrading.comCarmel Blog2650
Camala Blog71659

Servers: Just What Are They And Why Do We Need Them!

Servers at Your Service

Servers are what make it possible for you to view what you wish to view on the Internet. At its most basic level, what happens when using servers is that browsers connect to servers, requesting that a Web page be displayed. The servers then send back the pages requested. Internet browsers are what form the connections to Web servers that allow the page to be requested and then received by the end user.

There are three parts to a Web page address, better known as a URL. The first part of this URL is called a protocol. The first part of the address is called the protocol. Http is a protocol and stands for Hypertext transit protocol. The next part of the URL tells you the name of the server. In , the server is MyWebSite. The file name is something like web-server.htm, for example.

Browsers communicate with name servers to translate those server names into IP (Internet Protocol) addresses, which is the way they connect to the machine that is acting as the server. Browsers connect by means of ports, all of which are numbered. Port 80, for example, is a common port number.

Every machine has its own unique IP. These addresses are made up of 32 bits, and are usually expressed in four groupings in a dotted decimal number. These groupings are known as octets. An example of an IP address written as an octet is 327.38.72.248 .

Servers have IP addresses that are static and seldom change. A home computer getting online through its modem often has an IP address that the ISP assigns when the machine gets online. The IP address is unique only for that session, so it can change each time the user uses it to get online. This is more efficient for the ISP, as it only needs to have one address for each machine that has dialed in, rather than saving a particular IP for each machine.

After the HTTP protocol, the browser sends a request to the server, called a GET request, which asks for the file. A GET request can also send cookies from browsers to servers. The next step is when the server sends the HTML text for that requested Internet page back to the browser. The HTML tags then read by the browser and subsequently format the page onto the users screen.

The Internet is made up of a huge collection of computers millions of them that are all linked by one common computer network. This computer network makes it possible for the computers to all talk to each other. A home PC can be linked to this Internet through dial up (a landline telephone carriers line), through DSL line, or a cable modem. All of these systems communicate with an Internet Service Provider (ISP.)

Generally, organization or business computers are linked to each other by means of a network so that they can share information in-house back and forth. They do this by means of a network interface card. This NIC then connects directly to a local area network (LAN) that is housed within the organization or business. This LAN is then connected to the associated ISP by what is known as a T1 line, a very fast and powerful connection to the servers.

ISPS connect to each other. The largest of these ISPs maintain the backbone of the entire system across the region or perhaps the country. This backbone is fiber optic. Through these fiber optic lines, satellite links or undersea cable, various backbones connect all over the globe. This is the way servers and clients the world over connect all to each other.

Robert Michael is a writer for which is an excellent place to find Server links, resources and articles. For more information go to: Managed Servers.Anny Blog84185
Betsey Blog64210

The Natural Effectiveness of Herbal Supplements

The use of herbal supplements is increasing throughout the world, and it is with good reason. It is a well documented fact that a great deal of herbal supplements have within them hundreds of vital nutrients, these nutrients can supplement your diet as well as improve your overall health. Herbal supplements are known to build up ones immunity to diseases, thus increasing their way of life. In addition, authentic, high-grade herbal supplements treat a host of problems generated due to ones lifestyle like diabetes, obesity, acidity, constipation, hormonal imbalances, high cholesterol, hair loss, sleeplessness, skin diseases, anxiety, thyroid disfunction, & sexual disfunction.

Recent count showed over one hundred million users of natural herbal supplements in the U.S. alone. This has lead to a surge in confidence in ordering herbal supplements by citizens of other nations around the world. People see the increasingly large numbers of new users as confirmation that herbal supplements have an overwhelmingly positive effect on the human body. A great deal of users have learned that many prescription medications contain main ingredients that are an herb/plant extract, however they cost more than herbal supplements that treat the same ailments.

The specific effects of these herbs have been well documented. The following is a list of commonly used herbs in supplements and their positive effects:

Hoodia Gordonii: Hoodia gordonii (pronounced HOO-dee-ah) is also called hoodia, xhooba, khoba, Ghaap, hoodia cactus, and South African desert cactus. Its actually not a true cactus at all, but rather is a succulent with sharp spines, that resembles a cactus.

Hoodia is causing quite a stir for its ability to suppress appetite, thereby promoting weight loss. The CBS television news program, 60 Minutes, and the British network, BBC have already featured stories about Hoodia.

Ginkgo: The Ginkgo tree, which is considered to be a living fossil, is also sometimes referred to as the "Tree of Heaven". The nutrients which are contained within the extract of its leaves have been known to enhance ones overall health greatly. Two common uses for Gingko herbal supplements are that of memory enhancement and the improvement of blood circulation.

Goldenseal: This herb in particular has been found to contain a wide assortment of medicinal properties. The uses of this amazing herb include but are not limited to that as a remedy for canker sores, a digestion aid, as well as acting as an antimicrobial.

Echinacea: Widely known as an immune system booster, Echinacea is also used as a natural antibiotic. It improves the functioning of the lymph glands and many studies have concluded that it helps in increased production of white blood cells. Echinacea Tea is good for infections and is also used in the treatment of skin cancer.

Ginseng: This herb is known to increase the power of concentration and helps in building up physical stamina as well.

St. John's Wort: A widely excepted reason for taking St. John's Wort is that of treating small forms of depression, however it is also used in the treatment of anxiety as well.

The extracts from these as well as tons of other herbs are being sold currently under many different brand names in the market. There is an array of conditions currently treated by herbal supplements; these include hair growth, weight loss, skin care, bowel cleansing, menopausal symptoms, general well being, improving sexual function, etc. Many are now turning to the internet to buy their herbal supplements, finding it more convenient and better priced that retail outlets.

Are there side effects associated with taking herbal supplements?

Every medicine has some kind of side effects attached to it and herbal supplements are no exception. However the side effects of herbal supplements are for the most part mild in nature. All said and done, the benefits of herbal supplements far outweigh their miniscule side effects.

In conclusion:

Herbal supplements are loaded with natural goodness and can benefit your health greatly. Besides treating an assortment of certain individual conditions, herbal supplements can be taken simply to improve upon ones over all sense of well being. So, go right ahead and order your herbal supplements with confidence and get natural goodness going into your body.

Nate MurrayBride Blog43895
Becca Blog90161

Decorating Ideas for Small Rooms

* Make the most of decorating small rooms. Color plays a vital role in a small room. It sets the decorative style and scheme, but also can change the room's appearance. Use bright colors on the walls. Darker colors may be more popular but using bright colors makes a room seem more spacious. For example: Cool colors such as blues, greens, (some) purples make a small room appear larger and airier. The reverse is true of warm colors such as reds and yellows as they will make a small room seem more intimate and intense.

* A home decorating tip for integrating color into mostly white roomsblend, blend, and blend! There are many shades of white and cream that work nicely with "graduations" of accent colors. Visualize three shades of rosy pink pillows against a white sofa!

* Decorating ideas include painting the ceiling a lighter color than the walls. Use smaller patterns in wallpaper and furniture upholstery. Large patterns may be used in accessories such as pillows and throws.

* Select fewer, larger pieces of furniture to make a room appear more open and less cluttered opposed to putting lots of small pieces of furniture in the room. Taller furniture should be placed along a far wall while shorter furniture may be placed away from the wall giving a sense of spaciousness.

* The use of screens will help divide multi-purpose rooms in a small house or apartment. A bedroom or living room may have one corner as an office. A screen will provide privacy as well as hiding the trappings of the work area.

* Daybeds with a pullout trundle are the answer for small bedrooms. They will accommodate two people but take up less space in the room on a daily basis. The room can also be used as an office, craft room or quiet sitting room.

* Use textures for interest in a small room. Combining textures in your decor will give a small room interest, appeal, dimension and depth. Choose accessories and fabrics with texture for the best impact; for example: wrought iron, glass, stone, metal, chrome, copper, bronze, mirrors, detailed finishes, textured fabrics, shiny fabrics, and unique area rugs to mention a few.

* Mirrors are a great way to create an illusion of space. If you have a wall in front of the entrance as you enter your home, hang a unique mirror on that wall to open it up and add interest to the area.

*Quick change artist! Move furniture and furnishings around! Don't be afraid to rearrange items in your home. Just changing the accessories or pictures from room to room can bring about a huge change.

To help keep your beautifully decorated home organized, download a free copy of the ebook "The Essential Guide to Organizing Your Home". Go to for your free download.

Lynn CressyAlexandra Blog25306
Bibby Blog7102

10 Tips for Debt Free Living

Debt Freedomit is something that everybody wants to achieve, but the question is, how you get there. Reaching debt freedom involves changing the way we think about our money and the way we manage our money. I am not saying you need to give up all the things that you like, but you may want to take a good hard look at what is really important in your life.

Is having things now more important than having a future. Fulfilling your dreams in the future will take some planning in the present. How you handle your money in the present will determine how much of it you will retain for your future. There are some very basic and simple changes you can make in your daily life that will help you prepare for a financially sound future. Here are some simple changes you can make that will you achieve debt freedom:

1. Stop financing your lifestyle with credit cards. If it is not an emergency (the latest shoe style is not an emergency) or it can not be paid off in full monthly, it should not be charged. Credit cards are robbing Americans of a sound financial future.

2. Keep a log of your spending. Once you know where your money is going, it will be easier to see where you can cut back. Put the extra money towards paying down your credit cards.

3. Pack your lunch 3 days (or more) a week. Eating out can be expensive and brown bagging it will save you money.

4. Instead of going out to the movies, rent a movie and enjoy a family movie night at home.

5. Have a pizza party and make your pizza at home instead of ordering out.

6. Buy in bulk and freeze dinners. This will not only save you money it will save you time.

7. Give handmade gifts and cards.

8. Shop at consignment shops, thrift stores, discount stores and yard sales.

9. Consider discontinuing or downgrading your cell phones and cable TV plans.

10. Pay more than the minimum payment on your credit cards. If you pay only the minimum on a credit card with a $3000 balance, it will cost you $2780 in interest and will take you 8 years to pay the balance off. If you pay an extra $50 a month towards your balance, you will save $1800 in interest and have your debt paid off in three years.

Bottom line is before you can live debt free you have to become debt free. Following some of these tips will help you achieve debt freedom. With a little bit of effort, you will be able find many ways of saving money. Start by looking at things you spend money on and find ways to reduce or eliminate these expenses. Every little bit helps.

Marjorie Salada is the owner of, a website that contains information on debt consolidation, debt settlement, debt counseling and how to manage credit card debt.Brittan Blog90059
Brynne Blog68187

Debt Management - Budgeting and Financial Controls


The most fundamental basic of debt (or money) management is to be in control. To know about every penny that comes in and where every penny goes. Ideally, when you open those envelopes that arrive on the door mat every day there should be no surprises.

If you are in debt and/or having financial difficulties, you need to bring yourself around to a situation where your income exceeds your expenditure - you need to establish a budget and stick to it.

Budgeting and sticking to it are two separate things. In this article I am going to cover setting the budget only, sticking to the budget will follow in a subsequent article.

Before carrying on it is worth noting that the principles outlined below are good for not only reducing debt, but also growing personal wealth overall - effectively an investment for the future.

Establishing Costs and Income

The first thing to do is to recognise that all spending is not equal: that some monthly expenditure is more important than others. For example, not paying your council tax for a few months could land you in jail.

The next thing to recognise is that some outgoings are fixed and others are flexible. With this knowledge you can begin to tackle your flexible monthly expenditure intelligently and make progressive steps to reduce outgoings both immediately and over time.

Additionally, you also need to recognise that even fixed expenditure may be reduced with the right approach.

The next thing to do is to list everything you spend money on over the course of the year.

I have put together a budget planning sheet for the purpose of helping you do this. You can download it by using this budget planning sheet link, and clicking on budget sheet on the right hand menu, or by going directly to the file download by using:

You will see that the sheet is split into specific sections to provide some guidance on how to breakdown the list. The sheet is also split into columns for yearly, monthly and weekly expenditure so that it is easier to group all like expenditure together even if you pay for it in different ways.

The most critical items are towards the top of the list, i.e.:

housing costs;

- rates and utilities;

- important household services;

- personal insurances.

With the critical items, the consequences of non payment can either be very high and/or occur very quickly, e.g. loss of house, loss of electric, water or gas supplies, imprisonment etc. It therefore makes sense to attend to these bills first.

The next part of the list is critical in terms of day to day living, but much more discretionary, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

This group includes some very fundamental items such as food; however, how food is purchased can have a massive impact on monthly expenses. For example, living on takeaways is obviously much more expensive than shopping carefully in the local price leading supermarket.

While detailing the first section is usually fairly clear cut (just check past bills), this section is fraught with difficulty as most of it can be cash or lumped spending. That is, a figure of 150 charged to a card from the local supermarket says nothing about what was purchased on the final bill - who knows, it might have been 150 of beer and crisps - it can be difficult to recall everything.

If it is just you in the household you have the relatively simple task of being honest with yourself about this sort of expenditure so that you can recognise how much is really being spent on what. If you have a partner, or live in a family group, it can be much tougher. The key word is of course honest. You will have to draw out the truth about what is really being spent and who is doing it. If it is the two of you, you may have to recognise there is a key culprit, or that you are both as bad as each other.

In any event this section is a land of opportunity as far cost reduction is concerned so spend time on it, get out past bank and card statements and go through them line by line. If necessary walk through a typical week, or have everyone involved keep an expenditure diary so that everything is exposed.

The third section in the budget sheet is entitled 'credit card and other debt': in other words unsecured debt. Unsecured this may be, but non payment still has consequences in terms of your credit worthiness and other debt collection measures - including the use of county court judgements and even bailiffs. The only difference between this debt and many of the more critical fixed costs outlined above is the time it takes for the consequences to bite.

If you are having financial difficulties then the figures that should go in this section are minimum payments only. You will need to stop using all cards until the situation is resolved.

The last section on the budget sheet is for income. That is, income after tax - employable cash.

Make sure all income is included. So, if you do have shares that earn dividends, or bank accounts that earn interest, then these figures need to be included as well as any salary income from yourself, your partner or anyone else in the household that may contribute to the monthly bills.

With all costs and income identified, we are now in a position to look at the overall picture and start developing a plan that will ultimately become our budget.

With everything in place, there can only be three scenarios:

1 - Income exceeds outgoings

2 - Outgoings equal income

3 - Outgoings exceed income

If income is greater than outgoings then you can continue comfortably. Cost reduction, budgeting and careful saving will pay dividends in terms of loan reduction, early mortgage repayment, or even building up savings and personal wealth.

If income equals outgoings, then the situation is a borderline one and action to reduce costs will need to be taken. However, it is unlikely that savings cannot be made and there is a strong likelihood you have caught things on time and can turn it around.

If outgoings exceed income, then this exercise has not come a minute too soon and it is now time to grab the bull by the horns and turn the situation around.

Planning the Budget

In the previous exercise, we have identified all costs and all income and now have a clear picture of the current situation. Using this information, the budget we set will, in effect, be an overview of how we live our lives from this point on. There will be certain rules that we have to stick with, but we will know that sticking to the rules will allow us to achieve our future financial goals.

The next part of the process is a little more painful and certainly more laborious than the last, but nevertheless must be done.

Begin with the easy stuff first. This is the middle section on the budget sheet, i.e.:

- motoring expenses;

- food and housekeeping;

- miscellaneous goods and services;

- personal and leisure;

- sundries and emergencies.

There will be lots of low hanging fruit here (easy savings to be made).

For example, let's say your daily expenditure diary reveals that on your commute to work you buy a newspaper at the railway station and a coffee while you wait for the train. You buy lunch at the deli around the corner, but go to the local pub for a sit down lunch and a drink on a Friday. You have a drink with colleagues after work on average 2 nights a week and buy an evening paper to read on the train on the way back from work. This is what this expenditure looks like over the week:

Morning coffee: 1.50 x 5 = 7.50

Morning paper: 0.60 x 5 = 3.00

Lunch at the deli 2.50 x 4 = 10.00

Bar lunch: 7.50 x 1 = 7.50

After work drinks: 2.80 x 2 = 5.60

Evening paper: 0.50 x 5 = 2.50

Weekly total: 7.50 + 3 + 10 + 7.50 + 5.60 + 2.50 = 36.10

Look at this again. Every single item is discretionary, yet it will cost you 144.40 in a 4 week month.

You may not be able to give everything up on the list, but taking a flask of coffee to work with a packed lunch may be a start. Many newspapers now offer yearly subscriptions that will cut the weekly bill by more than half - if you still need to have a newspaper every morning and every evening (do you?). The pub lunch could be dropped and the drinks with the colleagues after work cut back to one drink one evening a week - still sociable enough for most people.

In this example we might get back something like 130 per month. If there are two of you doing it, it might be more like 260 per month.

You need to do this type of breakdown and cost reduction exercise on each line item. Drop things like takeaways to a once a month treat and (if you do not already) learn to cook and cut out ready meals and other prepared food. You will not only save money, you will find you start living healthier too.

Examine closely how you do your motoring. Could you mange with one car instead of two? Could you get rid of the gas guzzling 4 x 4, which would reduce insurance, maintenance, road tax and fuel bills - all at once? Take a look at a company like Cash Drive ( to see if you could buy a smaller car at a sensible rate.

Hopefully you are getting the idea by now.

Once the individual figures have been reviewed and cost reductions identified, you can put the new figures into the budget sheet and we can now start to see the new budget taking shape.

Next we can look at the first section. That is:

-housing costs;

-rates and utilities;

-important household services;

-personal insurances.

These are largely fixed costs, but there are opportunities here too. Housing costs such as rent or mortgages can be reduced. Mortgage deals can be switched to take advantage of new lender deals, or fixed rate schemes taken on if interest rates look like rising in the near future. The term of the loan can be extended or (if things are really tight) payments dropped to interest only for a while. You need to ask the question.

If you are renting, could you manage with a smaller property, or a one in a less fashionable area? Could you move closer to work at the same time and reduce daily travelling costs?

Take a look at what seems to be fixed costs such as personal, or household, insurances and compare rates and benefits. Deals in this area change literally every week.

Gas and electric costs can be reduced by switching supplier or, better still, turning down the heating and switching off lights and appliances when they are not being used. Focus on this for a while and you might be pleasantly surprised at the difference it will make.

And so on.

The last cost section is the credit card and unsecured debt one. Much like insurances this may be a more flexible area than you think.

If your credit rating is good then you have lots of room here to take on new cards and deals with 0% interest rates. Make sure when you do this that you close down the accounts you are transferring from. That is, you do not increase your overall indebtedness, or availability of debt.

If your credit rating is already poor, or bad, this may not be an option for you, so you will have to find other ways to reduce your repayments. One thing that creditors like to see is that their debtors are in control of the situation. A well put together budget sheet like the one we are in the process of outlining here can be a huge help.

Using the budget sheet you can identify all income and expenditure that needs to be made before handling your unsecured debt. This will leave you a set amount that can be used to negotiate reduced payments to your creditors.

This is a separate subject in its own right, but showing you are in control of your own finances may allow you to negotiate a reduced payment plan with the companies concerned.

Any other thing you can do in this area to consolidate debt and reduce overall interest payments needs to be examined closely.

However, you need to resist the temptation to make any loan consolidations that involve using your property for security. There is probably another way, so explore the other ways first.

The last section is income. You may have been tough with yourself in the cost section, but the other dimension to the budget is of course income. The more you increase your income, the less you need to cut back (or the bigger the benefit if you do).

Whilst writing 'increase your income' is very easy for me to do, in reality it is much harder to do. However, there may be opportunities you had not considered which may be worth exploring such as overtime, weekend shifts, unsociable shifts, additional responsibilities that could be taken on, or even a second job. Switching jobs could also be an option as could be starting a completely new career.

In other words increasing income is not always about getting further up the greasy pole, sometimes it is about taking a sideways move into any area you had not considered before.

One last point on income: while you have the budget sheet in front of you it is worth evaluating the cost of work. In other words, when you add up travel, parking, fuel, dry cleaning, child care, work wear etc then subtract it from your income - that will give you a true figure of what you earn.

Finalising the Budget

The above represents a substantial investment in time and effort. The end result will be a budget sheet which is accurate, personally optimised and which puts you in control of your own finances.

Having made this effort, you should now have identified specific allowances for each item and you now need to be sure that money is allocated each month to cover those items whether they occur weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly.

It is unlikely that you will be able to reduce all of your costs, move house, change jobs, etc, all at once, so you may have recognised already that this budgeting exercise can be a progressive thing that happens over time.

Therefore, to begin with, you will need to ensure that costs are under control and, as a minimum, outgoings equal income. Over time you will look for cost savings and income increasing opportunities and, once taken advantage of, you can then revisit the budget sheet, put in the new figures and move on.

One completely free benefit to all of this is that, once it is all complete and you are sticking to it, you get a full night's sleep whenever you want.


Sticking to the budget

Keith Wallis is a freelance writer on the subjects of debt management and personal finance in the UK.Cathyleen Blog20052
Cecily Blog66560

Overcoming Your Husband's Objections To Telecommuting

If you are an aspiring work from home mom, you may have already heard these common objections from your husband (and perhaps that nagging mother in law):

We shouldn't have to pay for an extra phone line.
We can't afford to upgrade the computer.
The company should pay for the transcription equipment.
You will be wasting your time and not making a "real" income.
Why can't you keep your "real job" / get a "real job"?
So how can you overcome these objections? It's simple.

The secret is in numbers. Men understand figures and costs.

If you are presently working outside of the home, what kind of expenses do you have?

You may have car insurance on a second car you wouldn't need. Add in the cost of routine maintenance, gas, repairs, eating out at lunch time, that coffee you grab on the way to work, professional clothing, dry cleaning, a second cell phone, and if you have children, DAYCARE! Note that these expenses are ongoing.

Now compare that to getting started with a telecommuting company as an independent contractor.

Once you have your home office set up, your only monthly expenses will be the added telephone line (if required), high speed internet (most people like to have that anyway), and the electricity you are using (which is a very minimal amount).

Not everyone has these figures readily available, so I thought I would ask my good friend to share her monthly expenses from when she worked outside of the home as compared to what her current expenses are.

Working Outside of the Home

Gas - $78 (drives an average of 30 miles a day, or 650 miles a month)
Insurance on second vehicle - $107
Car payment on second vehicle - $289
Maintenance allowance $7.00 (towards the cost of routine oil changes)
Daycare (1 kid) - $540
Clothing - $60 (towards a yearly budget)
Cell Phone - $80
Lunches - $130 (She ate out roughly three times a week)
Coffee $76 (She stopped every day at Starbucks for a __mocha)

INCOME - $2080 at 40 hours per week and $12/hour

PROFIT only $713 for an entire month!

Working from Home

The car was sold, so she eliminated the costs of gas, insurance, repairs, and the hefty car payments. Her son no longer went to daycare. She could go to work in her sweats, eliminating the need for work wear. She discontinued her cell phone service as soon as the contract was up and she eats lunch at home and makes her own coffee. She is saving a bunch of money!

However, there are a few expenses she now has to include:

High-speed internet - $39
Second phone line - $25
Coffee from home - $20
Lunches at home - $60

Now we will calculate her income at a slightly lower hourly rate, as telecommute jobs typically pay around $9/hour. To be realistic, we will also reduce the working hours to 30, as that is more typical of working from home.


INCOME - $1170 at 30 hours per week

PROFIT $1026 for an entire month!

What? More profit? Working less hours? What does that ultimately equate to?

A happier mom, which means a happier house because anyone who can work less and keep more of their paycheck will want to jump for joy!
Nell Taliercio is the owner and founder of which is a leading resource website with work at home jobs and everything a telecommuting mom would need. Come visit us todayAnnnora Blog22270
Althea Blog41456

Buying A Home With Bad Credit

The worst thing about buying a home with bad credit isn't that it is that difficult. It is the fees and interest rates you'll have to pay for your home mortgage loan. Use the following techniques to repair that credit and so lower the rates you'll pay. If you can't take the time to do that, see part two for some other options.

Buying A Home With Bad Credit - Part One

If you have the time to do it, you can fix that bad credit, at least a little. This will not only make it easier to find a lender, but also get you a lower rate. Pay 2% less on that mortgage loan interest rate and you'll save more than $70,000 in interest over the years (based on a 30-year $140,000 loan). Here are some ways to fix that bad credit report.

First, see what's on it. To get access for free online, try a search for "free credit report." If you are denied credit based on a report from a local credit reporting agency, you can request a free credit report from that agency within 30 days. How do you fix what you see on the report?

If there is anything to dispute in the report, write a letter to the agency. Explain exactly what is incorrect, and they must investigate. Send copies of canceled checks or any other documentation by certified mail.

The agency has to (by law) contact the source of the disputed information. If they don't receive confirmation of the debt within 14 days, they have to delete the item, and send you an updated report. You can also demand that they send a corrected report to all creditors who received your credit report in the previous six months. This won't be done automatically, so be sure to demand it.

If the item is under $500, or over a year old, creditors often won't bother to respond. Thus, "fixing" a credit report is possible even if it is correct to begin with. You also have the right to dispute the item again after 30 days.

Longer-term, there are other things you can do to fix your bad credit. Stop charging things on credit cards. Don't have more than five credit cards. Keep balances to less than half the limits on the cards, even if this means transferring debt from one card to another. Stop making your credit score worse, and time alone will help (many items will be removed after seven years).

Buying A Home With Bad Credit - Part Two

Buying a home with bad credit doesn't mean you have to accept the high interest rates and fees of sub-prime lenders. You can buy a house in other ways. Here are some of them.

- Seller financing. Some sellers are willing to provide the financing for you to buy their home. Whether in the form of a "contract for sale" or an owner-carried mortgage, you may be able to make payments to the seller instead of the bank - and with no lending fees and lower interest.

- Lease option. If down payment is an issue, look for sellers willing to lease their house to you with an option to buy. Be sure that a portion of the lease payment applies towards the down payment for the home, and that you have enough time to prepare for the purchase. If, for example, only $200 of the rent applies towards the down payment, after two years you'll have just a $4,800 credit. Will that be enough? Will two years be enough time to correct your credit and save any additional money you'll need?

- Get creative. There are many creative ways to buy a home. In one case I know of, the landlord was anxious to move, so the buyer offered him full price and a decent interest rate for him to carry the financing, but with very little down. They closed in the first days of the month, so the small down payment came from the rents that were credited to the buyer. He moved into one of the units the following month.

- Reconsider your "bad credit." Limited income or a new job isn't the same as a bad credit score. Most banks won't even look at the income from your new business, for example, making it seem impossible for new business owners to get a loan. However, these days, banks really look at your credit score. If it is decent, you can get "no doc loans," which require no documentation of income.

You don't even need a job for these loans. A decent credit score - and nothing else - can get you up to 95% financing at many places now. Of course, depending on the credit score, the interest rate can be anywhere from 1/2% to 4% higher than conventional loans. Consider paying even higher interest to get a loan without fees if you will be able to refinance at a lower rate in the next year (perhaps once your new business hits that 2-year mark that bankers like to see).

Fortunately, buying a home with bad credit or even with no provable income, has become easier than ever.

Copyright Steve Gillman. To see a photo of the house we bought for $17,500, and to get a free ebook on How To Save Thousands Buying Your Next Home, visit: Blog42295
Celestyna Blog45988

Free Hypnosis Downloads: Finding High Quality Hypnosis

If you are curious about Hypnosis, one of the best ways to discover how beneficial it can be is to listen to a high quality free hypnosis download. Now the important point to keep in mind is that some Hypnosis products are of poor quality and they employ ineffective hypnotic techniques.

Many hypnosis products use what is known as direct hypnosis. The Hypnotist makes direct statements such as, You will be confident and repeats these affirmations throughout the recording. This hypnotic process can get results, however the persons conscious mind tends to battle against the direct suggestions with self-talk such as, no Im not confident.

A much more elegant and effective approach is to use what is commonly known as Ericksonian Hypnosis, named after one of the most successful Hypnotherapists thats ever lived: Milton H. Erickson. This hypnotic process makes use of the power of Metaphor and story telling and it therefore tends to bypass your conscious mind and works directly with the unconscious mind. Right where you want it! This style of Hypnosis is well suited to an audio recording because you simply relax and listen to the narrative and music in the background.

The highest quality free hypnosis downloads utilise the power of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming.) NLP is a field of Psychology that models human excellence. NLP models precisely what an exceptional person has done inside their mind to get a desired result or outcome. Eg) They increased their feeling of confidence in public speaking by a factor of three. So good quality hypnosis audio incorporates NLP language structures into the process to encourage you to experience unconscious change.

One of the other benefits of listening to a free hypnosis download is that it is very safe to do so. You know how long the session will last, say 15 to 20 minutes and if you feel the need, you can simply open your eyes and turn the download off. So you have complete control!

By listening to a Hypnosis session you could change your life, become inspired, open up to new possibilities/opportunities and start to fulfill your dreams. Or if nothing else you just get to relax and listen to an interesting story accompanied with soothing music. So really, what have you got to lose?

Colin G Smith is a licensed Master Practitioner of NLP and offers you a FREE Hypnosis Download session by New York Hypnotherapist, R. Siegal, called Dream Beyond Your Dreams!, a powerful and inspiring NLP / Ericksonian Hypnosis Journey that could radically change your life! Get it now while its still free!Brynn Blog43851
Bunni Blog3393

How You Can Increase Your Computer's Speed Without Upgrading ?

How you can increase your computer's speed without upgrading ?

Every time I see the speed of my computer like the tortoise's speed I wonder if there are any ways to increase my computer speed without upgrading, and how can I speed up my computer although I'm a normal user and I don't have any programming skills?

The answer is very easy, just follow this ways:

1- Use Disk Cleanup to increase speed of Windows and the internet, how:

Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Accessories--->>System Tools--->>Disk Cleanup then select the drive you want to cleanup and you should start with drive "C".

2- Use Scandisk to fix system errors and that make Windows run faster, how:

My Computer--->>click Right Click on drive C--->>Properties--->>Tools--->>Check Now then click on the first square to fix errors automatically then start.

3- Use Disk Defragmenter to increase the speed of your hard disk and applications, how: Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Accessories--->>System Tools--->>Disk Defragmenter, then select the derive you want to begin with but you should start with derive "C" then click defragment.

4- Speed up your internet connection immediately: clean up your internet cache and your temporary internet files and cookies. Be careful because when deleting your cookies will also delete useful information from your computer. How can I speed up the internet connection:

Start--->>Control Panel--->>Internet Options--->>Delete Cookies and Delete Files.

5- Don't let a lot of applications running when Windows starts, because you will make Windows run slowly. How to delete applications from Startup menu:

Start--->>All Programs or Program Files--->>Startup then "click Right click and delete" on any application you want to delete.

Learn more about computers:

Abdelrahman Zohdy is the owner of, a web hosting company which offers cheap web hosting plans & free domain name registration.Cathlene Blog55567
Cassaundra Blog25142

Choosing a Domain Name for Your Website

One of the first steps in building your website is choosing a domain name. There are several important things to consider when deciding on a domain name for your website.

Following are a few tips to keep in mind when selecting a new domain name:

If possible, opt for a domain name that is easily recognizable and describes your business. This will be helpful when you promote your site.

Keep your domain name as short, simple and easy to remember as possible. The shorter it is, the easier it will be to remember. Although a good number of the short and simple .com domains are likely already taken, you may have the option to purchase a domain with a different extension, like .net or .us.

Your domain name can be 2-63 characters long (excluding the extension), and can contain the characters a-z, 0-9 and '-' (dash). However, domain names cannot begin or end with '-' (dash).

If your first choice is not available, try to utilize synonyms, rearrange the words, add dashes, or use abbreviations or acronyms to find an alternative.

You now have several options to choose from for extensions as well. Following is some information about some of the extensions you can choose from:

.com denotes the word "commercial," and it is an unrestricted global domain name extension. Many businesses prefer a .com domain name because it is a highly recognized symbol for having a business presence on the Internet. However, the number of available .com domain names is shrinking as more and more businesses go online.

.net represents the word "network," and is an unrestricted global domain name extension most commonly used by Internet service providers, Web-hosting companies, or other businesses that are directly involved in the infrastructure of the Internet. Additionally, some businesses choose domain names with a .net extension for their intranet web sites.

.org represents the word "organization," and is an unrestricted global domain name extension that is primarily used for non-commercial sites. However, many commercial entities register the .org extensions corresponding to their .com domain names in order to protect their brands.

.biz is a restricted-use global domain name extension used for business web sites. As a relatively new type of domain, .biz offers a company the opportunity to get the domain name it really wants and enhance its presence on the Web with a domain name that means business.

.info is an unrestricted domain name extension that creates an opportunity to reach a worldwide audience with information about your business and ideas. .info is growing in popularity, but still has many great names available.

.us is a restricted-use country code that may be used by any individual or organization with residence in the United States or its territories, including foreign organizations that do business in the US.

What about .TV, .WS, .FM and .CC?

Although often marketed as such, .TV does not mean television and .WS does not mean web-site or world-site. .TV is the country code extension for Tuvalu a small island country located in the Western Pacific Ocean with a population of approximately 11,000 that gained independence from the UK in 1978. .WS is the country code extension for Samoa. Samoa, also in the Pacific, gained independence from New Zealand in 1962 and has a population of around 180,000.

.FM masquerades as the TLD (top level domain) for radio stations, but is actually the country code for Federated States of Micronesia. .CC is the Internet country code TLD for Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory, but has been promoted for international registration as "the next .com".

Teresa Frady is webmaster of several sites including where you can purchase domain names, learn about webhosts, view webmaster related articles, and shop for webmaster products including computers, books, software and more.Bette Blog37770
Cathee Blog5545

How To Determine The Origin Of Spam?

Spam will continue spreading as far as it makes profit. If nobody buys from spammers or acts upon their scams, spam will end. This is the obvious and easiest way to fight spam. You can ignore and delete spam emails you receive. But you can also take vengeance on the spammer by complaining to the spammer's Internet Service Provider (ISP). The ISP will block their connection and maybe impose a fine (depending on the ISP's acceptable usage policy). Spammers beware of such complaints and try to disguise their messages. That's why finding the right ISP is not always easy.

Lets look inside a spam message. Every email message includes two parts, the body and the header. The body is the actual message text and attachments. The header is a kind of the envelope of the message. The header shows the address of the message sender, the address of the message recipient, the message subject and other information. Email programs usually display these header fields:

From: shows the sender's name and email address.
To: shows the recipient's name and email address.
Date: shows the date when the message was sent.
Subject: shows the message subject.

The From: field usually contains the sender's email address. This lets you know who sent the message and allows you easily reply. Spammers, of course, dont want you to reply and dont want you to know who they are. Therefore, they put forged email addresses into the From: lines of their emails. So the From: field wont help you if you want to determine where the spam email comes from.

Tip! With G-Lock SpamCombat you can easily preview not only the message text but also all the fields of the message header . You can choose the preview format by yourself. You can view the message as HTML, decoded message, or message source.There are also several Received: fields in the header of every message. Email programs dont usually display the Received: lines but the Received: lines can be very helpful in tracing the spam origin.

Just like a postal letter goes through a number of post offices before its delivered to the recipient, an email message is processed by several mail servers. Each mail server adds a line to the message header a Received: line which contains

- the server name and IP address of the machine the server received the message from and
- the name of the mail server itself.

Each Received: line is inserted at the top of the message header. If we want to reproduce the messages path from sender to recipient, we start from the topmost Received: line and walk down until the last one, which is where the email originated.

Just like the From: field the Received: lines may contain forged information to fool those who would want to trace the spammer. Because every mail server inserts the Received: line at the top of the header, we start the analysis from the top.

The Received: lines forged by spammers usually look like normal Received: fields. We can hardly tell whether the Received: line is forged or not at first sight. We should analyze all the Received: lines chain to find out a forged Received: field.

As we mentioned above, every mail server registers not only its name but also the IP address of the machine it got the message from. We simply need to look what name a server puts and what the next server in the chain says. If the servers dont match, the earlier Received: line is forged.

The origin of the email is what the server immediately after the forged Received: line says about where it received the message from.

Let's see how determining of the spam email origin works in real life. Here is the header of a spam message weve recently received:

Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mail1.myserver.xx with
SMTP; 7 Nov 2006 10:54:16 -0000
Received: from by; Tue, 07 Nov 2006 05:53:35 -0500
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2006 12:48:35 +0200
From: Pharmacy

Reply-To: umceqhzjmndfy
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Subject: Cheap Med*s V!agra Many Med_s QnNXpRy9
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

At first, look at the forged From: field. The email address in the From: and Reply-To: lines doesnt exist. So, the spammer took care about directing bounced messages and all the indignant replies people may send to a non-existing email account.

Secondly, the Subject: line. It contains the variations of the Meds and Viagra words that are known to be met in spam messages. Plus, the subject contains a range of random characters. Its obvious that the subject line is skillfully tailored to fool anti-spam filters.

Lastly, lets analyze the Received: lines. We start from the oldest one - Received: from by; Tue, 07 Nov 2006 05:53:35 -0500. There are two IP addresses in it: says it received the message from

We check if the next (and last in this case) mail server in the chain confirms the state of the first Received: line. In the second Received: field we have: Received: from unknown (HELO ( by mail1.myserver.xx with SMTP; 7 Nov 2006 10:54:16 -0000.

mail1.myserver.xx is our server and we can trust it. It received the message from an "unknown" host, which says it has the IP address Yes, this confirms what the previous Received: line says.

Now lets find out where our mail server got the message from. For this purpose, we look at the IP address in brackets before the server name mail1.myserver.xx. It is This is the IP address the connection was established from, and it is not The spam message originates from Its important to note that its not necessarily that the spammer is sitting at the computer and sending spam over the world. It may happen the computers owner doesnt even suspect of being sending spam. The computer may be hijacked by a Trojan, which is spreading spam without the machines owner knowing it.

We hope this information will help you identify the spammer's ISP and report them about spam so they can take proper measures.

Julia Gulevich is a technical expert associated with development of computer software like AATools, Advanced Email Verifier, G-Lock EasyMail, Anti-Spam Software Blocker More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources Blog37209
Alisun Blog48559

Discover the Joy and Power of Reading


for Children's Novels

Focus on Grades 3-7

Now children can improve in reading while enjoying it!!

READING RIGHT is an exciting approach to reading. We believe that reading should be fun and enjoyable. When it is children read more. And when children read more they become better readers!

Reading Right guides provide a way to monitor children's reading comprehension while they practice reading.

The study guide questions range from literal to thoughtful, and help readers make connections to their own lives. However, the main focus is on reading, and the enjoyment it brings, not on an abundance of worksheets. These guides work well in whole class settings, small groups, or with a single individual.

EACH GUIDE INCLUDES: Synopsis, 5 pages of guided questions, and an answer key.

Novels have been chosen that portray the good in characters as they solve problems, show determination, and improve their surroundings.

So sit back with the book of your choice and let the enjoyment and success begin.

If you have a book you would like to suggest, click on to special order. We look forward to adding new novels and guides to our selections.

Dr. Betty Powers is the creator of Reading Right materials. Dr. Powers has worked in the elementary schools for over 20 years both as a teacher and a reading specialist. She earned a M.S. in Reading Education at the State University of New York at Cortland and her doctorate in Teaching and Curriculum at Syracuse University.Brenn Blog87179
Carissa Blog19929

Book Cover Design 101.1

With today's plethora of large chain bookstores and online bookstores,a book that is brilliantly written but lacks a good quality cover design will sadly remain unnoticed and undiscovered. So it is absolutely crucial, especially if you are publishing your own book, to have a book cover that grabs attention.

This article was written to help you create a book cover that looks as good as the professionals, with instruction on how to get started, get finished, and ensure a smooth printing process.

Eye-appealing covers essentially share the same characteristics:

* Bold or complementary colors--primary colors work well together, other hues look nice if they complement each other and are not overdone.

* Balance of layout--The eye is soothed and relaxed by the design, not strained. The elements are clean, not cluttered; the font is readable; the text is balanced in size and style to the graphics; and both text and graphics are harmonized with a focal point, enabling smooth eye direction.

General Cover Tips:

* When setting up your cover layout, allow another .25" in from the trim guides to place all your elements. This will ensure enough allowance around the cover's edge and provide a more tailored look.

* Use light on dark for dramatic effects (novels, spiritual, etc.) and dark on light for easy readability (self-help, how-to, business). There are always exceptions to the rule when you want your book to stand out with a certain color or theme.

* For an interesting, eye-grabbing effect, try a subtle blended or patterned background.

* People read left to right, top to bottom. Position your elements in appropriate levels of importance.

Give your finished cover the thumbnail test: Make sure it will look crisp and polished when reduced way down for display on online bookstores like Amazon. We've seen many, many thumbnail covers on that site that looked like mush because of poor color and font choices.

First the viewer looks at the front cover; then flips to the back to solidify his decision to read further. Draw him in with a catchy back header.

* Visit a bookstore or your library and research as many book cover designs as possible. Identify what works, and what doesn't work for you. You can learn just as much from badly designed books as from beautifully designed books.

* Don't center all the text on your cover or title page--this looks unpolished and unprofessional. Exceptions: poetry, recipe books. Left aligning and right aligning produce much cleaner lines.

* Don't use more than three different fonts on your cover--this includes counting bold, italic, underline etc. variations as different fonts. This confuses the eye and sends a negative message to the viewer.

* Create a bar at the top to put in any important info about your book - awards won, important testimonials, etc.

* Put your title "above the fold" - somewhere in the top half of your cover.

Back Cover Tips:

1. The same rules of design apply to the back cover as well as the front. Again, peruse your bookstore for back cover ideas. Look for typestyles, colors, and copy styles you like and make notes.

2. This is a toughie: Unless you are well known in your field, or have written several books, do not place your photo on the cover. This will appear ostentatious and unprofessional. Trust us. There are many independent publishers who fall prey to their egos--and suffer

3. Try to solicit 3-5 good testimonials of your book from respected field individuals. This will give your book instant clout.

4. A typical softcover back cover consists of a short summary of your book, testimonials, and the author's bio. Leave at least 1" at the bottom for your ISBN barcode and your publishing info. Too much copy will lose reader interest; while not enough copy will appear unfinished and unprofessional. Try to maintain a good ratio balance of words to white space.

5. With a self-help or how-to book, include bullets in your back copy describing what the reader will gain from reading your book. You could use a header such as "In This Book You'll Learn How To" ... then list bullets beneath describing what the reader will learn.

6. For book jackets, a good base is to offer a summary of your book on the back, with 2-3 testimonials, and publisher info, then on the flaps have the author bio, maybe more testimonials, and contact info. Having copy on the flaps is optional. You will need to allow space for the flaps to wrap-around, so be sure to get exact specs from your book printer. A good default size for flaps is 3".

Spine Tips:

1. In a bookstore, most books are displayed with only the spine in view. So this area of your book has to look its best when competing with other spines.

2. A lot of books repeat the front cover graphic into the spine as a smaller version. This acts as a preview and helps to visually enhance the spine and attract the viewer.

3. With a thin spine, try setting the type vertically, so people won't need to tilt their heads to read the title.

4. Include your logo and/or business name at the bottom, 1/4" in from the trim edge.

5. Make sure you allow enough clearance room on the spine. Size your copy to fill a maximum of 1/2 of the spine's thickness to allow for the fold.You will need to allow space for the flap and spine wrap-around, so be sure to get exact specs from your book printer.

Most Printers Will Require:

1. Your cover and all graphics to be at least 300 dpi (dots per inch) for correct printing.

2. Your cover to be in .pdf format, 300 dpi.

3. Your trim area (the area around your cover) to be at least 1/8", preferably 1/4". This allows your printer to have some adjustment room.

In Conclusion...

Humans are visual beings--we look at faces. Cover design, simply defined, is a book's face. People do judge a book by its cover, so remember--your book needs to be polished and professional to attract attention. And if it is beautiful inside and out, it will be a success.

To a magnificent book!


Angela Donelle (Doni) Underwood is a leading book cover designer and consultant who also runs a successful internet and software development company, PlanetIcon. Doni and her team have developed a revolutionary program that allows authors and publishers to design their own professional-quality book covers with ease, and without high-cost. Find out more at Blog5302
Adrianne Blog47897

How To Make Karaoke CDs

Karaoke is a growing past time and if you haven't tried it you really should. You'll quickly understand what the rage is! Why not begin by learning how to make your own karaoke CDs.

Most CD RW drives are not able to burn CD+G discs due to missing internal firmware. This firmware recognizes files that contain the graphic extensions of the Red Book. Some of the older CD RW drives that were able to write CD+G files are not compatible with the newer software so you might need to upgrade your drive.

Drives by Plextor are the only ones that seam to be working with the new burn software packages. Plextor drives support CD+G read write capabilities as well as the technology to prevent buffer overruns. They also have the capability of choosing optimum recording speed.

Not all discs are equal. Although Plextor drive can burn almost all brands but there are always a few brands that can give grief so test your discs. CDs used to burn Karaoke should be no more than 6x and 4x is actually best.

Now that we've got the hardware covered it's time to look at the software that's needed to make those karaoke CDs.

1. Video Karaoke Studio

It has all the tools you need to create a professional karaoke video. It's quick and easy to use. In fact it's never been easier. You can create your own video karaoke files using different multimedia sources. When you're done you can take your files from VKStudio to Video-CD, DVD and SVideo-CD. Synchronized lyrics, video, and picture files have never been easier.

2. Karaoke-to-Text

Can automate the process of extracting song text from karaoke files and then determine the right cords. It has Midi file processing and a key signature finder. It's convenient to use and helps with transpositions.

3. Dart Karaoke Studio CD+G 1.49 CDGP

Not only can you make your own Karaoke on your computer you can also play it. This software turns your computer into a player.

The CD recorder makes capturing both digital and analogue music easy. You can rip and burn CD+G tracks from playlists. The Dart DeVocalizer removes the vocals from commercial recordings during playback.

The Dart Karaoke Author is used to edit, import, and synchronize the lyrics to your music. Just flag the word or phrases you want to synchronize along the waveform.

The CD+G Track Generator lets you customize your graphics, choose your fonts, number your verses, work out your presentation style and so much more. The wizard has an onscreen guide that will walk you through the entire process.

The Karaoke Player is where you get to have some fun with that creation. You've made your Karaoke cd now you get to use it. Select your tack, use the controls and as the lyrics appear it's sing along time.

4. Karaoke Song List Creator 2005

Lets you sort by title, artist, track number, and even producer. The toolbar provides a quick and easy way to catalogue all of your Karaoke disks. You can create lists buttons and track all your songs. You can even print your songbook.

5. Power CD+G Pro

This is a software package that supports BIN, CDG, MP3+G file formats converting your PC into an easy to use karaoke machine. Make your disk using this easy to use software which includes key transposer so you can adjust the songs to your own voice, seekbar, and playlist management. Then play back in full screen mode.

After you've chosen your software you can search online to find many different sites that provide Karaoke tunes for you to download. Some are even free, others charge a nominal fee. Be sure to check them all out.

If you love music and you love karaoke making your own Karaoke CDs and have a great time with your friends.

Nan Edemann worked in a karaoke bar for 9 years before starting his own audio electronics store. His store specializes in karaoke machines and accessories and has a much larger variety of items than almost all large department stores. At, he shares his experience with you by listing out the top karaoke essentials with buying advice on various products.Anna Blog84593
Ardeen Blog24592

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