Life, Post-Menopause
Women can feel many different kinds of things during post-menopause; many of which can be debilitating. They may experience whole ranges of emotions from anger to depression, and frustration. These varying emotions can wreak havoc on a woman's life. They can negatively impact new, as well as on-going, relationships. They make it tempting for old friends to avoid contact or communication because their moods are so unpredictable. Work can also be impacted because it is hard to concentrate on work when a woman is coping with so many other issues. It is imperative to keep in mind that all of these emotions are normal. Every woman has them to some degree. Though some women may deal with them without problem, others can have a much more difficult time coping with post-menopausal issues. Medication is often necessary in these cases.
If you do experience serious post-menopause symptoms, it is essential to select the correct physician. If your doctor seems unsympathetic, it may be necessary to find a different gynecologist who meshes with your personality. You need someone who can not only present the right treatment options, you also need someone who can encourage you. It is important to remember even though you may feel like you will never surmount the problems associated with post-menopause, you will. Eventually, you will be be able to move on with your life. Hopefully, the people around you who have been enduring your emotional changes will be understanding that this is simply a part of the normal menopausal process. More than ever, you will need their love and support during this emotional time.
One thing that has helped many women is to learn to shift your focus to things other than your menopause symptoms. For example, many menopausal women, take up new activities activities they did know but were forgotten. Some discover a new hobby like pottery or gardening. You might try joining a water aerobics class, for example. Others make regular dates to meet old friends. Still others try regularly to do something special for themselves. You might contact your local college and investigate available continuing education opportunities. By keeping busy and working with things you enjoy you may be able to control your symptoms. One key to coping with menopause is taking the time to comprehend it.
Linda Williams writes for several popular web sites, including and Blog38909
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